Welcome to ALUI


Maryam Amiri
Front-end developer

123 6th St. Melbourne, FL 32904

$60 per hour
Brian Swader
Front-end developer

70 Bowman St. South Windsor, CT 06074

$45 per hour
Maryam Amiri
Front-end developer

44 Shirley Ave. West Chicago, IL 60185

$25 per hour
Orlando Lentz
Front-end developer

123 6th St. Melbourne, FL 32904

$25 per hour
Robert Hammer
Front-end developer

123 6th St. Melbourne, FL 32904

$25 per hour
Brian Swader
Front-end developer

70 Bowman St. South Windsor, CT 06074

$45 per hour
Invoice 01/Nov/2020 Status: Pending
Webz Poland
Madalinskiego 8
71-101 Szczecin, Poland
Email: info@webz.com.pl
Phone: +48 444 666 3333
Bob Mart
Attn: Daniel Marek
43-190 Mikolow, Poland
Email: marek@daniel.com
Phone: +48 123 456 789
# Item Description Unit Cost Qty Total
1 Origin License Extended License $999,00 1 $999,00
2 Custom Services Instalation and Customization (cost per hour) $150,00 20 $3.000,00
3 Hosting 1 year subcription $499,00 1 $499,00
4 Platinum Support 1 year subcription 24/7 $3.999,00 1 $3.999,00
Subtotal $8.497,00
VAT (10%) $679,76
Total $7.477,36
Terms & Condition

You know, being a test pilot isn't always the healthiest business in the world. We predict too much for the next year and yet far too little for the next 10.

$33.98 Paid

Thanks for using TTM Inc.

Attn: Daniel Marek 43-190 Mikolow, Poland
Email: marek@daniel.com
Phone: +48 123 456 789
Extended License $19.99
1 year subcription $9.99
Instalation and Customization $4.00
Total $33.98
View in browser
TTM Inc. 70 Bowman St. South Windsor, CT 06074
Questions? Email info@thememakker.com