
Getting Started

This guide will help you get started with ALUI! All the important stuff – compiling the source, file structure, build tools, file includes – is documented here, but should you have any questions, always feel free to reach out to

If you really like our work, design, performance and support then please don't forgot to rate us on Themeforest,
it really motivate us to provide something better.

Dev Setup

To get started, you need to do the following:

ALUI File Structure
Helper Class
Font Settings
<body class="font-opensans">
.font-opensans, .font-quicksand, .font-nunito, .font-raleway
Theme Color Settings
<div id="layout-a" class="theme-blue">
.theme-blue, .theme-indigo, .theme-cyan, .theme-green, .theme-orange, .theme-blush, .theme-red, .theme-dynamic
Enable Sidebar Gradient
<div class="sidebar gradient"></div>
Toggle class in sidebar .gradient
Mini Sidebar
<div class="sidebar sidebar-mini"></div>
Toggle class in sidebar .sidebar-mini
Enable Light/Dark & High Contrast Mode!
<html class="no-js " lang="en" data-theme="dark">
Change class in HTML tage .light, .dark, & .high-contrast
Enable RTL Mode!
<body class="rtl_mode">
Toggle class in Body tage .rtl_mode
Ready to build Layouts

Customize your overview page layout. Choose the one that best fits your needs.

Theme Color Settings
Dynamic Color Settings
Left sidebar with icon
Header top menu
Content Combinations
  • Avoiding the probabilities of conflicts between Front codes and third party plugins (libraries).
  • Intuitive clear architecture.
  • Everything is structured, each component in its own file and in its component in the main object.
  • The ability of extending functionality without affecting the behavior of the core object and not changing the existing functionality.
  • Creation of wrapper components simply solves complicated initializations structures for the users.
  • Very easy access to any starters components and core settings from anywhere in the template.
Customer Reviews #

We're very glad that out of thousands of different templates you chose ours. This inspires further product development, more than sales profit. Thank you!

Design Quality

Design is superb, better than any of the others including some of the highest rated in themeforest like Metronic. they code base is solid. Occasionally there are some issues but their support is lightning fast. I had issues twice so far and got a response that would solve my problem within 1 hour.
capchaos - Austria

Code Quality

Amazing work, a lot of elements design so nice, flexible, when I told them that the code has a little bug, they correct quickly and friendly
Ktuluwu - France

Feature Availability

Really provides Everything which an Angular admin panel needs. I really like everything about it, but the reason for 5 stars is definitely the Feature Availability and the UI Kit. I am Buyer of your previous template into HTML and Impressed with the designs for each item, support, documentation, code quality and many other things.
geegstudio - United States


I am very happy and surprised by the quality of the subject, but what really surprised me was the quality of the support team. They solved each of my concerns before and during the purchase process. In addition, they managed by me the purchase of this update without any inconvenience. Very good work!
OssCarvajal - Chile

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this template. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this template.

If you really like our work, design, performance and support then please don't forgot to rate us on Themeforest, it really motivate us to provide something better.

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